
Our office has redesigned the Victim Impact Statement form.

Victim Impact Statements are an important part of the justice process for many victims of crime.

Writing a VIS is an opportunity for victims to share their story about how the crime has affected them in their own words.

It is also one of the few times the voice of the victim is heard in court.

Our office has given the VIS form (PDF, 928.5 KB) a much-needed refresh to make it easier for victims to share their story.

With input from SA Police and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, we’ve updated the form so it’s much simpler to understand and fill out.

As well as turning it into a digital form victims can complete on their computers, there is now the option to either print or email through your VIS to the investigating officer once it’s finished.

We’ve also included some helpful information on the front of the form about how the VIS is used and what to include.

Learn more about the VIS process and see the new form on our website.

We’re also keen for your feedback. If you have ideas about how to improve the form, please contact our office at victimsofcrime@sa.gov.au